Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Dad's not getting any better. In fact, he is getting worse. Slowly, day by day, his condition deteriorates.

He has been in the hospital for 6 weeks already? I am not sure. Losing count.

Right now, he is unable to eat well because his abdomen is so badly bloated and because he gets so exhausted just swallowing. His breathing is shallow and laboured. His albumin levels are so low that he has required several transfusions of albumin but they seem to be not very effective. His muscles are wasted from the lack of food and activity since he can only stay in bed and not move. He used to be able to walk from his bed to the door, but he no longer can. The most he can do is sit out in a chair and even then, not for very long.

Because he lacks activity, there seems to be already some fluid accumulated in his lungs. So his breathing is difficult and his lungs seem clogged with phlegm. He can't eat solids so mum has taken to blending his food but even then, he can't get past more than a couple of spoonfuls. To get enough protein in him, he is now drinking a liquid diet of protein drinks and diabetic drinks.

To relieve his badly distended belly, they have resorted to putting a permanent 'tap', as in a catheter to drain the fluids. Disappointingly, not much has come out. In some patients, as much as 5 to 10 litres may be drained but in dad's case, it was only about 100ml! They are now going to 'tap' the left side and hopefully more fluid will come out. He is already on furosemide and spirolactone to help get the water out but this does not seem to be working.

Sadly, dad has also lapsed into some form of disorientation and confusion. He seems to stare fixedly at a point in the ceiling sometimes and he talks about weird, irrelevant things. He seems a bit delusional at times. We don't know why but think that maybe its due to the long hospital stay. Just yesterday he was talking about "magnetic prawns" and how expensive they are at $70 a kilo and he was also going on about "the red flower and the white flower bending to each other... and when they touch, they will be very powerful"!! sigh. Don't know whether to laugh or cry.

All this has been very very hard on my mother. She goes to see him everyday, twice a day. All this travelling, to-ing and fro-ing has been very tiring for her. To see him slowly deteriorate is also painful. These days she looks very drawn and tired and there is a pinched look about her face that was not there previously.

I've called MAS and asked about how we can go about recouping cost of the tickets if we had to postpone or cancel. It does not look good with dad these days and I would not rule out anything happening at this point. I don't want to leave my mom alone here to cope as well. If dad does pass away, I will drag her off to Japan for a change of scene. But if dad is still very sick, how can I leave her here to manage alone?

So while I would love to go to Japan, it might not be possible at this time...


mummyof3 said...

BIG HUGS Pat! Praying for you all.

Santhi said...

May God give you and family the strength to see through this trying time.

Anonymous said...

I pray hard for your family to remain strong in this crucial time.
