Tuesday, December 18, 2007


As a follow up to my earlier post on Gillian. We passed one of those bus-stop poster ads yesterday and this one had the ad for the Love Box condoms on it. Have you seen it? They're actually condoms but packaged in a compact tin box.

So we passed this and Gillian casually pointed it out: Oh look Love-Box! My friend has one of these.

I did a mental double-take but asked coolly: Yeah? Who's your friend?


Oh. How old is she?

My age.

Jaw dropped. I muttered something about her being kinda young for this and then asked: Do you know what this is for?

She gave me a surprised look. Well they're condoms! People use them during sex.

Oh. Okay. Good that you know this. Who uses it during sex?

The guy of course!

Hmm. Yes you're right.

So much for teaching about the birds and the bees. Back to school for mom, not Gillian. How come I always come off sounding so school-marmish on this topic! Argh!

Nice designs on the Love-Box though.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Argh, 'energetic sensation'...seriously?! LOL! I like how she told you that in a practical way, hee!