Thursday, October 04, 2007

Strange sleep habits

Miss Mu-mu aka Caitlin, is one weird kid. She reminds me of Christina Ricci in the Addams Family sometimes.

The other day KH went in to check on the girls in the night after they'd all gone to sleep and to his horror, found Cait sleeping with her eyes and her mouth taped SHUT with masking tape! He whisked off the tape immediately of course. When we asked her about it the next morning, she just said she did it because she liked it. When I probed further, she reluctantly revealed the reason: she didn't like to snore in her sleep. But, I told her, every one snores sometimes - its okay to snore. Even her venerable mama, I added, ruthlessly decimating my mother's reputation, snores like a freight train. Cait nodded but said she still didn't like the idea of snoring or talking in her sleep. Either way, I told her, she must not tape her mouth and eyes again - it was dangerous.

Then again the other night, she fell asleep on the living room couch so KH carried her up to her bed. When he put her down, he felt something hard beneath the pillow. It was not one object but three! A picture of the Virgin Mary, a small framed picture of St Michael slaying the dragon, and of course, a rosary. Perplexed, we asked her why she had so many religious objects beneath her pillow.

She said she got scared after I told vampire stories. Well, I don't remember telling her any vampire stories recently (I say 'recently' because I admit to enjoying telling my round-eyed crew about the old pontianak and orang minyak legends - I think its a part of their cultural heritage, but that's another story altogether!). She said the pictures were there as religious 'protection'. Yes but why THREE? A rosary would have been sufficient devil-repellent I thought. But she told me confidently: three better than one! I see.

I let her keep them under her pillow.

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