Wednesday, September 05, 2007

The Fishball is 4!

After months of anticipation, the day finally dawned. My fishball turned 4 on Aug 31. Malaysia's National Day. Every year, the boy gets fireworks on his birthday.

This was the day I thought we'd agreed to put up the sign that says: No more nen-nen for four-year-old boys.

But I was wrong.

After being reminded by his daddy that he'd agreed to no more nen-nen when he turned four, he u-turned and said he still needed nen-nen cos he was still a baby, and he would only stop when he became a bigger boy - like when he turns 5! So we made a deal: He would drink nen-nen only once in the morning, once in the afternoon and once at night before bedtime. But no more nen-nen at night. Intrigued by my proposal, he agreed and we hooked pinkies on it.

The deal lasted about 12 hours. After a day filled with presents (Bionicles - Barraki! Which he put together himself following the instruction booklet!), Ratatouille, sushi and cake (luscious cream cake loaded with strawberries!), he went to bed exhausted and happy. Yes we nursed to sleep - he happily reminded me of our 'deal'. But in the middle of the night, he woke again and asked to nurse. When I reminded him of our deal, he sleepily wailed: But Mu-ummm... Can we make another deal???

So my steadfast nurser is back at the breast - he never really left. Unlike children who nurse less as they grow older, this guy is nursing more and more! With Trinity, they are clamouring for nen-nen almost once every hour when I'm at home - if its not the Fishball, its Trin. So anyone who drops in for a visit is likely to find me (a) lolling on the sofa nursing (b) clicking at Granny (nursing) or (c) reading a book or the papers and nursing (d) eating at the dining table and nursing or sometimes even (e) coaching the older kids in homework and yes, nursing! About the only time when I do NOT have a kid at the breast is when I am in the shower!

When the nipples were really eczemic, it would be worse - super painful, wet, sticky etc. But I have to say that my eczemic nipples are much improved! I bought some Elomet from Guardian in Malacca and applied (sparingly according to instructions) and voila! worked! No more weepy, red or itchy lesions! I have not had a bad outbreak since early August! This is the longest period I have been eczema-free since it first started, when Trin was 6 months old! Not to say that it has cleared completely but when I see the signs of it inching back ie dry itch, mild, pinkish rash etc I apply the Elomet again and that takes care of it. I have not had cause to apply Elomet in days (touch wood in case I am hexing myself!).

So with Owain and Trin both nursing so enthusiastically away, and the eczema receding (fingers crossed!) I feel better about nursing indefinitely.


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday O! And pats on the back for mum for hanging in there with the nursing till she found something that works. Great news abt that wonderful miracle cream!

Cory said...

use the elomet SPARINGLY. it'll thin out the skin. happy birthday mr fishball!