Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Well, been toying with the idea of a blog for some time. But then always stopped because I read too many funny, hip, cool entries and think I can only be boring. Who would want to read about me?

Then I think: I need to vent and the whiteness of the page is a safe place to do this.

So here I am.

This will replace the diaries and journals I kept since I was 13. There is some safety in anonymity. Or am i being naive? Or just my ostrich self sticking my head into the ground. There I go - navel gazing again.

I think too much.

I'm in the office, punching away at this keyboard. Braxton Hicks contractions are going nice and tight. The baby is no longer hiccuping. It was just a couple of minutes ago. When you're more than 7months pg, all-the-time is the right time to head for the loo. Too much ribena.

Apparently I also drink too much. : )

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