Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Why do taxis here always smell of musty long-leftover pandan leaves?? And why oh why does the mouldy smell stick to one after a ride in such a taxi?

Some cabs need to have a smell reality check.

BP this morning was 138/107. I chose not to take my meds and now I am feeling crappy. And fretful about IUGR. While every measurement of the fundus show that this is on track, and there is NO IUGR, I am still worried.

Call it gut feel. Call me anal.

Just got a feeling that baby is smaller than the norm. And I worry if this is due to the chronic high BP. And then I don't take my meds like a bloody hero. I think the going was good from week 24 up to the last couple of weeks - when my BP behaved. But the periodic spurts in BP, shooting up to 166/110 in some instances, have got me feeling a bit freaky. Paul says reactive blood vessels. But I think the good times are over and its back to regular monitoring and possibly, back to regular meds. I certainly don't feel as good as I did in those weeks when the BP was really down. More dull naggy headaches, more nausea, more jitteriness, poor sleep. Yep, sad to say but i think its time to hit the meds. Again.

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