Friday, September 16, 2005

Hand Foot Mouth Disease hits Riang

Now on top of the dengue plague, the Chongs are at risk of HFMD. Don't ask me how we got it. Owain was the first to show signs.

We were at the Asian Civilisations Museum having our lunch before going for the Journey of Faith exhibition (more on that later) and I was trying my darndest to feed this kid who was whiny, fussy and off his food for the past few days. It was only when I peered into his mouth that I realised why - poor baby had MANY tiny ulcers peppering the inner cheeks and lower inner lip! My Gosh, if I had that many ulcers I wouldn't be able to eat too!

The ulcers rang a bell, so I promptly checked his hands and his feet. Voila - tiny red dots, some already with water-logged blisters.

After we finished touring the exhibition, we headed for Mt Alvernia. Dr Mom hits the jackpot again - confirmed HFMD.

That was Sun. Monday the tiny ulcers had joined the dots and formed a BIG ulcer the size of a 5cent coin in his inner cheek! But by Wed, he was fine and all spots were clearing. Yesterday, I noticed spots on Cait's knees. Suspecting HFMD, I checked and yep - she had all the signs. But not fussing, not feverish etc. Seemed like a mild case. Or maybe just due to the protective nature of being a breastfed kid.

Now all that's left is to wait for some kid somewhere to get the pox and Owain can attend a pox party. Cait, Isaac and Gill have got it already.

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